Our Unforgettable Training in Japan

Feb. 17.2020

Our Unforgettable Training in Japan


Kito-Group company and leading US chain manufacturer Peerless Industrial Group sent two employees to Japan. What was the purpose?





The two visitors are key persons of production field at Peerless, Production Operations Manager Ryan Kowalski (right) and Senior Quality Engineer David Hawes. They look great in Kito uniforms!



Ryan and David came for training in preparation for production startup at Peerless of the world-leading grade-100 chain that Kito produces at the Yamanashi Main Plant. This is a major challenge to the entire Group. The two say they made one discovery after another on the production floor in Japan. What they learned from Kito engineers represent new assets that they will take home and share.

The daily menu is extensive here in the company cafeteria. For today’s lunch, Ryan and David chose ramen, and to my surprise, they’re pretty good at using chopsticks. The food is good, the air is clean, no doubt they’ve become big fans of Yamanashi.

They agree that one of the best takeaways from the visit is trust built with their Japanese counterparts that can’t be accomplished through email alone. Colleagues sharing common goals can support one another regardless of differences in culture and thinking. Enhanced technology exchange between the group companies promotes the evolution of Kito Group manufacturing practices.